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Yongpei Guan

Yongpei Guan

Assistant Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Florida

Phone: (352) 392-1464ext. 2053

Fax: (352) 392-3537

303 Weil Hall
P.O. Box 116595
Gainesville, FL 32611-6595



Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Research Interests:

Yongpei is currently working on power grid system analsys and optimization problems with the consideration of new energy (e.g., wind, solar and etc) output uncertainty. He is developing efficient policies for power grid analysis with the objective of minimizing total cost, while maintaining the stability of the power grid system. He is also taking advantage of the new features provided by the smart grid system to further improve the system efficiency.

Publications List:

  • Y. Guan, S. Ahmed and G. L. Nemhauser. Cutting planes for multi-stage stochastic integer programs. Operations Research, 57: 287-298, 2009.
  • M. Zhang and Y. Guan. Two-Stage Robust Unit Commitment Problem. Submitted for publication.