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David W. Mazyck

David W. Mazyck

Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering Sci, University of Florida

Phone: (352) 846-1039

Fax: (352) 392-3076

Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, 406 AP
Black Hall, PO Box 116450 Gainesville, FL 32611



Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Research Interests:

Research focuses on the tailoring of adsorbents (e.g., carbon and silica) to enhance the uptake of contaminants from fluids and for storage (e.g., CH4), photocatalysis, air/water purification, and surface chemistry.

Dr. David Mazyck is the Water Technical Lead for the University of Florida Environmental Systems Commercial Space Technology Center (ES CSTC), a co-Chair of the International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), a member of the American Chemical Society, American Water Works Association, and American Institute of Chemical Engineers. From his research efforts since 2000, he has several patents pending and more than 15 refereed publications/conference proceedings. Furthermore, he has been an invited speaker on nanomaterials at several universities and conferences.

In addition to Dr. Mazyck’s research interests, he is an active consultant for the energy and water industries having consulted for coal-fired power companies, water companies, and activated carbon manufacturers.