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Dave Cartes
Interim Director, Mechanical Engineering, Florida State University
Phone: (850) 645-1184
2000 Levy Ave.
Suite 140
Tallahassee, FL 32310
Ph.D. Engineering Science, Dartmouth College, 2001
Research Interests:
Dr. David Cartes is the Director of Florida State University’s Institute for Energy Systems, Economics and Sustainability. IESES is a public resource, which performs scholarly basic research and analysis in engineering science, infrastructure and the social dimensions of the sustainable energy economy. A significant IESES mission is to provide Florida and the country with up-to-date and pragmatic tools and analysis to assist in meeting governing and economic challenges, and to forge new opportunities for an unprecedented energy and climate constrained era. Dr. Cartes is also an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, having joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering in January 2001, after receiving his Ph.D. in Engineering Science from Dartmouth College. He also has academic degrees business management and economics. Since coming to Florida State University Dr. Cartes has produced over $12.3 million in grant awards, graduated four Ph.D. and three M.S. students, and published 106 papers. He teaches courses in control systems. His research interests include the Control of Distributed Energy Systems and Computational Intelligence. In 1994, Dr. Cartes completed a 20-year career in the U.S. Navy. As a Repair Officer, specialized in the repair of nuclear powered ships, he managed the conversion, overhaul, and repair of complex marine propulsion systems. His at-sea experience includes two submarines, the USS Nathaniel Greene and the USS San Juan, and the guided missile cruiser USS Mississippi, which served in the First Persian Gulf War.
Publications List:
- L. Liu, W. Liu; D.A. Cartes, “Particle swarm optimization-based parameter identification applied to permanent magnet synchronous motors,†Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, v 21, n 7, October, 2008, p 1092-1100.
- P.K. Kolavennu, S. Palanki, D.A. Cartes, J.C. Telotte, “Adaptive controller for tracking power profile in a fuel cell powered automobile,†Journal of Process Control, v 18, n 6, July 2008, p 558-67.
- L. Qian, D.A. Cartes, H. Li “An improved adaptive detection method for power quality improvement,†IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, v 44, n 2, March-April 2008, p 525-33.
- S.K. Srivastava, D.A. Cartes, F. Maturana, F. Ferrese, M. Pekala, M. Zink, R. Meeker, D. Carnahan, R. Staron, D. Scheidt K. Huang, “A control system test bed for demonstration of distributed computational intelligence applied to reconfiguring Heterogeneous systems,†IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, v 11, n 1, Feb. 2008, p 30-7.
- L. Liu, D.A. Cartes, “Synchronisation based adaptive parameter identification for permanent magnet synchronous motors,†IET Control Theory & Applications, v 1, n 4, July 2007, p 1015-22.
- W. Liu, J. Sarangapani, G.K. Venayagamoorthy, L. Liu; D.C. Wunsch, M.L. Crow, D.A. Cartes, “Decentralized neural network-based excitation control of large-scale power systems,†International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, v 5, n 5, Oct. 2007, p 526-38.
- K. Huang, D.A. Cartes, S.K. Srivastava, “A multiagent-based algorithm for ring-structured shipboard power system reconfiguration,†IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C (Applications and Reviews), v 37, n 5, Sept. 2007, p 1016-21.
- W. Liu, L. Liu, and D. Cartes, “Slow Coherency and Angle Modulated Particle Swarm Optimization Based Islanding of Large Scale Power Systemsâ€Â, the 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural networks, August 2007
- W. Liu, L. Liu, and D. Cartes, “Angle Modulated Particle Swarm Optimization Based Islanding of Large Scale Power Systems†PowerAfrica, July 2007.
- L. Qian, D. Cartes, H. Li and L. Qi, “An Extended Adaptive Detection Method and Its Application in Power Quality Improvement,†accepted and to be presented at 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA.
- L. Liu, K.P. Logan, D.A. Cartes, S.K. Srivastava, “Fault detection, diagnostics, and prognostics: software agent solutions,†IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v 56, n 4, July 2007, p 1613-22.