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Tim Chapin
Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University
Phone: (850) 644-8515
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Ph.D.Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington, 1999
Research Interests:
Chapin’s research interests are in the areas of growth management and downtown redevelopment. Chapin has published articles on growth management in many of the leading planning journals and he is a recognized authority on Florida’s growth management system. He has worked extensively with the Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida on the topic of regional visioning. Chapin’s work has been supported by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration via their Sea Grant program. He teaches courses in growth management, population and employment forecasting, community infrastructure, and economic development.
Publications List:
- Chapin, T. and K. Ihlanfeldt. In Press. “Florida: The Pitfalls of Comprehensive Planning.†In Smart Growth and the States by G. Ingram, A. Carbonell, and Y. Hong (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Press.
- Deyle, R., T. Chapin, and J. Baker. 2008. “The Proof of the Planning is in the Platting: An Evaluation of Florida’s Hurricane Exposure Mitigation Planning Mandate.†Journal of the American Planning Association74(3): 349-370.
- Chapin, T. 2008. A Coordinated, Statewide Regional Visioning Initiative for Florida. Prepared for the Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida.