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Chris Coutts

Chris Coutts

Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University

Phone: (850) 644-5015

Tallahassee, FL 32306



Ph.D. in Urban, Technological, & Environmental Planning, University of Michigan

Research Interests:

Prof Coutts’s central research theme is the influence of the built environment and ecologically-sensitive land use practices on community health and health behavior. Most recently, this has led to a focus on the relationship between land conservation (green infrastructure) and human health. This is currently being studied by examining the potential of a large state-level land conservation program to deliver simultaneous ecological and social benefits.

His interest in the connection between environment and social outcomes began during his Peace Corps service in Malawi, Africa. He was frustrating at witnessing a lot of external emphasis on development but no focus on the basic environmental supports necessary to improve people’s lives.

Dr. Coutts teaches graduate courses in both Urban Planning and Public Health. These courses include: Geographic Information Systems, Environmental Methods of Analysis, Public Health Epidemiology, and Health Behavior and Education.

Publications List:

  • Coutts, C. (2009). Locational influence of land use type on the distribution of uses along urban river greenways. Urban Planning and Development (in press).
  • Coutts, C. (2008). Greenway accessibility and physical activity behavior. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 35(3), 552-563.
  • Alaimo, K., Bassett, E., Wilkerson, R., Petersmarck, K., Mosack, J., Mendez, D., Coutts, C., Grost, L., & Stegmier, L. (2008). The promoting active communities award: Development of Michigan’s self-assessment tool. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 5(1), 4-18.