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Melanie Simmons
Direct. Healthy Community, Demography & Population Health, Florida State University
Phone: (850) 644-3311
601 Bellamy
Building 113
Collegiate Loop
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2240
Ph.D., Sociology, Florida State University, 2003
Research Interests:
The Healthy Communities Program was established in 2007 to provide academically sound and directly relevant policy analysis to decision makers in Florida. Melanie Simmons as the Director of the Healthy Communities Program specializes in investigating the intersections where transportation and land use policies effect community health and well-being. The goal of the program is help create sustainable, livable and healthier communities. The program is a professional services division and plays an active role in preparing students for careers in firms that depend on demographic and analytical expertise. Dr. Simmons partners and works with the American Planning Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She has worked for Florida Legislative Commissions as well as state and local health, growth management, transportation, education and economic development agencies. Current projects include investigating the climate mitigation role of public transit; the public health and economic impacts of Smart Growth; a chapter on demographic trends in Florida and a Florida foreclosure study.Publications List:
- Arguez, A., J. J. O’Brien, and S. R. Smith, 2008: Air Temperature Impacts over Eastern North America and Europe Associated with North Atlantic SST Variability. Int. J. Climatol., in press.
- Kennedy, A. J., M. L. Griffin, S. L. Morey, S. R. Smith, and J. J. O’Brien, 2007: Effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on sea-level anomalies along the Gulf of Mexico coast. J. Geophys. Res., 112, C05047, doi:10.1029/2006JC003904.
- Smith, S. R., C. Tartaglione, J. J. O'Brien, and J. Brolley, 2007: ENSO's impact on regional U.S. hurricane activity. J. Climate, 20, 1404-1414.
- Gould, W. J. and S. R. Smith, 2006: Research vessels: Underutilized assets for climate observations. EOS, Trans Amer. Geophys. Union, 87, 214-215.
- Bourassa, M. A., R. Romero, S. R. Smith, and J. J. O'Brien, 2005: A new FSU wind climatology. J. Climate, 18, 3692-3704.