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John Harrison
Senior Research Analyst, Florida Solar Energy Center, University of Central Florida
Phone: (321) 638-1506
Fax: (321) 638-1010
Florida Solar Energy Center
1679 Clearlake Road
Cocoa, FL 32922-5703
A.B. History, San Diego State University, 1977
Research Interests:
Mr. Harrison joined the Florida Solar Energy Center in 1980. Mr. Harrison has experience in developing, managing, and implementing solar energy programs. Mr. Harrison has also been instrumental in assisting various state and national organizations in developing solar programs and through these programs, worked closely with the solar industry. In addition to these activities he has in the past also been responsible for managing the activities of the FSEC collector and system certification programs. He has also provided technical assistance and training activities to the national Solar Rating & Certification Corporation. Mr. Harrison has been PI, co-PI, or contributed to many contract projects and training programs. These include the Solar Manufacturers Initiative Program, Pennsylvania Renewable Energy Program, Residential Energy Audit Comparison Project, Solar Weatherization Assistance Program (DCA), Solar Weatherization Assistance Program (SANDIA), City of Tallahassee Solar Program, Photovoltaic Pool Pumping Project, Florida Building Energy-Efficiency Rating System, Photovoltaic System Design Assistance and Training Center, Solar Task Analysis, Solar Water Heating Training, Solar Contractors License Development, International Solar Slide Library, Hurricane Andrew Photovoltaic Relief Project, Photovoltaic Demonstration Project, Virgin Islands Training Program, Solar Water Initiative Program, Industrialized Housing Research Program, and the United Nations Fellows Solar Technology Training Program. Mr. Harrison has published numerous articles, documents, and manuals related to solar water heating as well as developed solar curriculum and coordinated solar energy workshops at FSEC.