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Daniel Yeh
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida
Phone: (813) 974-4746
Fax: (813) 974-2957
4202 East Fowler Avenue, ENB118
Tampa, FL 33620
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Research Interests:
Dr. Daniel Yeh is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida. He is also appointed as a Patel Research Fellow by the Dr. Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solutions. Dr. Yeh holds degrees from the University of Michigan (BS Natural Resources, BSE Civil Engineering and MSE Environmental Engineering) and Georgia Institute of Technology (PhD Environmental Engineering). He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate with Stanford University under the National Science Foundation's Center of Advanced Materials for Purification of Water with Systems (WaterCAMPWS). He has experience in environmental consulting and the automotive and pharmaceutical industries. Dr. Yeh is a registered professional civil & environmental engineer with research and teaching interests in water & wastewater engineering, global water management, water/energy nexus, infrastructures and green buildings. In particular, he develops and applies membrane and biological processes for water purification, wastewater treatment and reuse, and energy recovery. Dr. Yeh is a coordinator of the ongoing weekly Environmental Research Interdisciplinary Colloquium (ERIC) seminar series at USF, a collaboration between engineering, public health and environmental science & policy. He is an investigator on two of the four recently funded Sustainable Healthy Communities: Water Dimension interdisciplinary projects sponsored by the USF Graduate School. He serves as the contact person for USF's membership in the USGBC and is the Engineering faculty advisor for the Emerging Green Builders (EGB) USF Chapter, as well as faculty advisor for Engineers Without Borders (EWB) at USF. He also serves on the design firm Selection Committee for the planned LEEDTM building for the Patel Center at USF. Of particular research interest is the continued development of an Integrated Building Water Management (IBWM) model which integrates the management of all inflows and outflows from a building (interior and exterior), which allows for the examination of relative impacts from different water management scenarios (e.g., rain water capture, low flow fixtures, wastewater reuse, etc.) over select time frames. Dr. Yeh is a LEEDTM Accredited Professional and serves on the USGBC's LEEDTM Water Efficiency Technical Advisory Group (WE-TAG) Core Committee. Among the responsibilities of the WE-TAG is assisting with the development of LEED 2011. For more please visit his webpage at http://mbr.eng.usf.edu.