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Andrew Higier

Andrew Higier

Research Scientist, Applied Research Center (ARC), Florida International University

Phone: (305) 348-1677

Fax: (305) 348-2309

10555 West Flagler Street
EC 2107
Miami, Florida 33174


Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering- University of Miami

Research Interests:

Dr. Andrew Higier is a Research Scientist at the Applied Research Center (ARC) of Florida International University (FIU). He is president of the consulting firm Advanced Energy Labs, LLC and has over 10 years of experience in Fuel Cells and renewable energy. In 2004 Dr. Higier joined the fuel cell company EnerFuel, Inc as a Senior Engineer where he was responsible for PEM fuel cell stack and single cell design and development. He has been involved in fuel cell research and laboratory development for a number of organizations including the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technology (ICHET) in Istanbul, Turkey. He has lectured on fuel cells in China, Istanbul and the United States. He is currently a reviewer for the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy as well as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at FIU. In 2010 Dr. Higier joined ARC where he became the lead engineer for the Western Hemisphere Information Exchange Project (WHIX) which involved the design, development and deployment of a 5kW hybrid renewable energy system including wind, solar and lithium-ion batteries. Currently Dr. Higier is the PI of the Renewable Energy Systems (RES) project which involves the integration and deployment of a 15kW hybrid renewable energy system to El Salvador. He maintains close ties with the private sector as well as with other universities conducting similar research. Dr. Higier holds a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on PEM fuel cell research. He has authored a number of journal articles and has presented at a number of conferences.