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Eric Chassignet

Eric Chassignet

Professor, Physical Oceonography/, Florida State University

Phone: (850) 644-4581

Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS), Florida State University.
2035 E. Paul Dirac Dr., 200 RM Johnson Bldg., Room 207
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2840



Ph.D. University of Miami, 1988

Research Interests:

My current area of research interest is on the role of the ocean in climate variability from the complementary perspectives of coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling and observations. My emphasis is on the study of the thermohaline circulation, western boundary currents, associated eddies and their impact on the world ocean circulation.

Publications List:

Yan, Y., E.P. Chassignet, Y. Qi, and W.K. Dewar, 2013. Freshening of subsurface waters in the Northwest Pacific subtropical gyres: Observations and dynamics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., submitted.

Lu, J., E.P. Chassignet, J. Yin, V. Misra, and J.-P. Michael, 2013. Comparison of HYCOM and POP models in the CCSM3.0 Framework. Part I: Modes of climate variability beyond ENSO. Climate Dyn., submitted.

Michael, J.-P., V. Misra, E.P. Chassignet, and J. Lu, 2013. Comparison of HYCOM and POP models in the CCSM3.0 Framework. Part II: ENSO fidelity. Climate Dyn., submitted.

Winterbottom, H.R., E.W. Uhlhorn and E.P. Chassignet, 2012. A design and an application of a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean model for tropical cyclone prediction. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 4, M10002, doi:10.1029/2012MS000172.

Misra, V., J.-P. Michael, R. Boyles, E.P. Chassignet, M. Griffin, and J.J. O'Brien, 2012. Reconciling temperature trends in the Southeast United States. J. Climate, 25, 3610-3618, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00170.1

Chassignet, E.P., C. Cenedese, and J. Verron (Eds.), 2012. Buoyancy-Driven Flows. Cambridge University Press, 436 pp.