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Debashis Chanda
Assistant Professor, NSTC/CREOL Nano-Optics Group, University of Central Florida
Phone: (407) 823-4575
CREOL A310, The College of Optics & Photonics
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 162700
Orlando, FL 32816-2700
Post-Doctoral Fellowship: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D: University of Toronto
Research Interests:
Thin-film solar cells, study of light-matter interactions in artificially structured metal/dielectric structures (metamaterials, plasmonic nanostructures), transformation optics for display/camouflage, printed optics/opto-electronics components, strong coupling between photonic and plasmonic resonances, LED light extraction, nano-Lasers, biological/chemical sensors.
Publications List:
D. Chanda, K. Shigeta, S. Gupta, T. Cain, A. Mihi, A. J. Baca, G. R. Bogart, P. V. Braun, J. A. Rogers, “Large-Area, Flexible 3-Dimensional Negative Index Metamaterials Formed by Nanotransfer Printingâ€Â, Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 6, 402-407, July 2011.
- Selected for cover image Nature Nanotechnology, July 2011 edition.
- Appeared as featured article of Nature Nanotechnology, June-July 2011.
- News and Views: A stamp of quality by Dr. Richard D. Averitt, was written in Nature Nanotechnology, June-July 2011.
D. Chanda, K. Shigeta, T. Troung, M. Schulmerich, E. Lui, A. Mihi, P. V. Braun, R. Bhargave, John A. Rogers, “Coupling of plasmonic and optical cavity modes in quasi-three-dimensional plasmonic crystalsâ€Â, Nature Communications, Vol. 2, pp. 479, Sept 2011.
D. Chanda, L. Gao, K. Shigeta, J. A. Rogers, “Subtractive Printing based Large Area, Three-dimensional Visible and Telecom band Negative Index Metamaterialsâ€Â, Nature Materials (In Preparation).
D. Chanda, K. J. Yun, L. Gao, J. A. Rogers, “Light Trapping in Thin-film Flexible, Bendable Crystalline Silicon Cellsâ€Â, PNAS(In Preparation).
J. Cheol Shin, D. Chanda, W. Chern, K. J. Yu, J. A. Rogers, X. Li, “Experimental Study of Design Parameters in Silicon Micropillar Array Solar Cells Produced by Soft Lithography and Metal Assisted Chemical Etchingâ€Â, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2011.2180894, (2011).
D. J. Shir Yoon, D. Chanda, J.-H. Ryu and J.A. Rogers, “Performance of Ultrathin Silicon Solar Microcells with Nanostructures of Relief Formed by Soft Imprint Lithography for Broad Band Absorption Enhancement,†Nano Letters 10, 3041–3046 (2010).
D. Chanda, N. Zacharia, M. Haque, M. L. Ng, P. R. Herman, “Flexible fabrication of three-dimensional optical-domain photonic crystals using a combination of single-laser-exposure diffractive-optics lithography and template inversionâ€Â,Optics Letters, Vol. 34, pp. 3920-3922, Dec 2009.
D. Chanda, L. E. Abolghasemi, M. Haque, M. L. Ng, P. R. Herman, “Multi-level Diffractive Optics for Single Laser Exposure Fabrication of Telecom-Band Diamond-like 3-Dimensional Photonic Crystalsâ€Â, Optics Express, Vol. 16, Issue 20, pp. 15402-15414, Sept 2008.
D. Chanda, L. Abolghasemi, P. R. Herman, “Single Laser Exposure Fabrication of Diamond-Like 3-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Microstructures using Circularly Polarized Lightâ€Â, Applied Physics A 93, 33-37 (2008).
D. Chanda, P. R. Herman, “Phase tunable multilevel diffractive optical element based single laser exposure fabrication of three-dimensional photonic crystal templatesâ€Â, Applied Physics Letters 91, 061122, Aug 2007.
D. Chanda, L. Abolghasemi, P. R. Herman, “One-dimensional diffractive optical element based fabrication and spectral characterization of three-dimensional photonic crystal templatesâ€Â, Optics Express, Vol. 14, Issue 19, pp. 8568-8577, Sept 2006.
D. Chanda, A. Sesay, “Wireless signal-preamble assisted Mach-Zehnder modulator bias stabilization in wireless signal transmission over optical fibreâ€Â, Journal of European Transactions of Telecommunications, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp.669-679, October 2008.