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Dale Casamatta
Professor, Graduate Coordinator, Biology, University of North Florida
Phone: (904) 620-1936
1 UNF Drive | Jacksonville, FL 32224
Building 59, Room 3308
B.S. John Carroll University (1995), M.S. Kent State University (1998), Ph.D. Ohio University (2002)
Research Interests:
Aquatic ecology
Coastal biology
Publications List:
2013. A novel cyanobacterium Phormidium etoshii sp. nov. (Oscillatoriales) from the Etosha Pan, Namibia, based on morphological, molecular and ecological features. Fottea (Accepted).
2013. Extreme weather events influence the phytoplankton community structure in a large lowland subtropical lake (Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA). Hydrobiologia (In Press).
2013. Response of phytoplankton communities of six reservoirs of the middle Missouri River (USA) to drought and a major flood event: importance of water residence time. Hydrobiologia (In Press)
2012. Characterization of Roseonema reptotaenium (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) gen. et sp. nov. isolated from Caribbean black band disease. Phycologia 51:489-499.
2011. Hurricane effects on the planktonic food web of a large subtropical lake. Journal of Plankton Research 33:1081-1094.
2011. A unique Pseudanabaenalean (Cyanobacteria) genus Nodosilinea gen. nov. based on morphological and molecular data. Journal of Phycology 47:1397-1412.
2011. Leptolyngbya corticola sp. nov. (Pseudanabaenaceae, Cyanobacteria), an aerophytic, heteropolar taxon from the Czech Republic. Nova Hedwigia 92: 283-302.
2010. Polyphasic characterization of a novel siderophilic, N2 fixing cyanobacterium, which produces intracellular iron phases. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76:6664-6672.
2010. Phylogenetic examination of the cyanobacterial genera Geitlerinema and Limnothrix (Pseudanabaenaceae) using16S rDNA gene sequence data. Algological Studies 134:1-16.
2010. Effects of partially restored riparian plant communities on water quality and biodiversity along tributaries of the lower St. Johns River. Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2:771-782.