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Mark Orazem
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida
Phone: (352) 392-6207
Fax: (352) 392-9513
Department of Chemical Engineering
PO Box 116005, Gainesville, FL 32611-6005
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1983
Research Interests:
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, with application to fuel cells, corrosion, and other electrochemical systems. Development of mathematical models for electrochemical systems.
Publications List:
B. Hirschorn, M. E. Orazem, B. Tribollet, V. Vivier, I. Frateur, and M. Musiani, “Determination of Effective Capacitance and Film Thickness from Constant-Phase-Element Parameters,†Electrochimica Acta, in press.
- C. Blanc, M. E. Orazem, N. Pébère, B. Tribollet, V. Vivier, and S. Wu, “The Origin of the Complex Character of the Ohmic Impedance,†Electrochimica Acta, in press.
S. Wu, M. E. Orazem, B. Tribollet, and V. Vivier, “Impedance of a Disk Electrode with Reactions Involving an Adsorbed Intermediate: Experimental and Simulation Analysis,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156 (2009), C214-C221.
K. N. Allahar and M. E. Orazem, “On the Extension of CP Models to Address Cathodic Protection under a Delaminated Coating,†Corrosion Science, 51 (2009), 962-970.
S. K. Roy and M. E. Orazem, “Graphical Estimation of Interfacial Capacitance of PEM Fuel Cells from Impedance Measurements,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156 (2009), B203-B209.
S. Wu, M. E. Orazem, B. Tribollet, and V. Vivier, “Impedance of a Disk Electrode with Reactions Involving an Adsorbed Intermediate: Local and Global Analysis,†Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 156 (2009), C28-C38.
B. Hirschorn, B. Tribollet, and M. E. Orazem, “On Selection of the Perturbation Amplitude Required to Avoid Nonlinear Effects in Impedance Measurements,†Israel Journal of Chemistry, 48 (2008), 133-142.
K. N. Allahar, D. Battocchi, M. E. Orazem, G. P. Bierwagen, and D. E. Tallman, “Modeling of Electrochemical Impedance Data of a Magnesium-Rich Primer,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 155 (2008), E143-E149.
S. K. Roy and M. E. Orazem, “Analysis of Flooding as a Stochastic Process in PEM Fuel Cells by Impedance Techniques,†Journal of Power Sources, 184 (2008), 212-219.
V. Huang, C. Allely, K. Ogle and M. E. Orazem, “A Mathematical Model for Cathodic Delamination of Coated Metal Including a Kinetic pH-Porosity Relationship,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 155 (2008), C279-C292.
I. Frateur, V. Huang, M. E. Orazem, N. Pébère, B. Tribollet, and V. Vivier, “Local Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: Considerations about the Cell Geometry,†Electrochimica Acta, 53 (2008), 7386–7395.
M. E. Orazem and B. Tribollet, “An Integrated Approach to Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,†Electrochimica Acta, 53 (2008), 7360
S. K. Roy, M. E. Orazem, and B. Tribollet, “Interpretation of Low-Frequency Inductive Loops in PEM Fuel Cells,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (2007), B1378-B1388.
I. Frateur, V. Huang, M. Orazem, V. Vivier, and B. Tribollet, “Experimental Issues Associated with Measurement of Local Electrochemical Impedance,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (2007), C719-C727.
S. K. Roy and M. E. Orazem, “Error Analysis of the Impedance Response of PEM Fuel Cells,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (2007), B883-B891.
K. Allahar, M. E. Orazem, and K. Ogle, “Mathematical Model for Cathodic Delamination using a Porosity-PH Relationship,†Corrosion Science, 49 (2007), 3638-3658.
V. Huang, V. Vivier, M. Orazem, N. Pébère, and B. Tribollet, “The Apparent CPE Behavior of a Disk Electrode with Faradaic Reactions: A Global and Local Impedance Analysis,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (2007), C99-C107.
V. Huang, V. Vivier, M. Orazem, I. Frateur, and B. Tribollet, “The Global and Local Impedance Response of a Blocking Disk Electrode with Local CPE Behavior,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (2007), C89-C98.
V. Huang, V. Vivier, M. Orazem, N. Pébère, and B. Tribollet, “The Apparent CPE Behavior of an Ideally Polarized Blocking Electrode: A Global and Local Impedance Analysis,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 154 (2007), C81-C88.
M. Orazem, B. Tribollet, and N. Pébère, “Enhanced Graphical Representation of Electrochemical Impedance Data,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 153 (2006), B129-B136.
P. Shukla, G. Nellisen, and M. E. Orazem, “Impedance Analysis for Reduction of Ferricyanide on a Submerged Hemispherical Ni270 Electrode,†Electrochimica Acta, 51 (2006), 1514-1523.
K. N. Allahar, M. E. Orazem, D. P. Butt, H. A. Chin, and W. Ogden, “Application of Measurement Models to High Impedance Data of Steels in Used Oil,†Electrochimica Acta, 51 (2006), 1497-1504.
J.-B. Jorcin, M. E. Orazem, N. Pébère, and B. Tribollet, “CPE Analysis by Local Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,†Electrochimica Acta, 51 (2006), 1473-1479.
D. P. Riemer and M. E. Orazem, “A Mathematical Model for the Cathodic Protection of Tank Bottoms,†Corrosion Science, 47 (2005), 849-868.
D. P. Riemer and M. E. Orazem, “Modeling Coating Flaws with Non-Linear Polarization Curves for Long Pipelines,†in Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Modeling and Simulation, Volume 12 of Advances in Boundary Elements, R. A. Adey, editor, WIT press, Southampton, 2005, 225-259.
C. Qiu and M. E. Orazem, “Assessment of Pipeline Condition Using Heterogeneous Input Data,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 (2004), B415-B422.
C. Qiu and M. E. Orazem, “A Weighted Nonlinear Regression-Based Inverse Model for Interpretation of Pipeline Survey Data,†Electrochimica Acta, 49 (2004), 3965-3975.
P. K. Shukla, M. E. Orazem, and O. D. Crisalle, “Validation of the Measurement Model Concept for Error Structure Identification,†Electrochimica Acta, 49 (2004), 2881-2889.
P. K. Shukla and M. E. Orazem, “Hydrodynamics and Mass-Transfer-Limited Current Distribution for a Submerged Stationary Hemispherical Electrode under Jet Impingement,†Electrochimica Acta, 49 (2004), 2901-2908.
M. E. Orazem, “A Systematic Approach toward Error Structure Identification for Impedance Spectroscopy,†Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 572 (2004), 317-327.
S. L. Carson, M. E. Orazem, O. D. Crisalle, and L. H. GarcÃÂa-Rubio, “On the Error Structure of Impedance Measurements: Series Expansions,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 (2003), E501-E511.
S. L. Carson, M. E. Orazem, O. D. Crisalle, and L. H. GarcÃÂa-Rubio, “On the Error Structure of Impedance Measurements: Simulation of Phase-Sensitive Detection (PSD) Instrumentation,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 (2003), E491-E500.
S. L. Carson, M. E. Orazem, O. D. Crisalle, and L. H. GarcÃÂa-Rubio, “On the Error Structure of Impedance Measurements: Simulation of Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) Instrumentation,†Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 150 (2003), E477-E490.
M. E. Orazem, P. Shukla, and M. A. Membrino, “Extension of the Measurement Model Approach for Deconvolution of Underlying Distributions for Impedance Measurements,†Electrochimica Acta, 47 (2002), 2027-2034.
M. E. Orazem, J. C. Cardoso Filho, and B. Tribollet, “Application of a Submerged Impinging Jet for Corrosion Studies: Development of Models for the Impedance Response,†Electrochimica Acta, 46 (2001) 3685-3698.