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Mohammad Reza Khalghani
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida Polytechnic University
Phone: (863) 874-8737
Florida Polytechnic University
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, FL 33805-8531
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, 2019 and M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Birjand, 2012
Research Interests:
His research interests are in the areas of smart grid, cyber-security, renewable energy, control theories and application, and electric vehicle integration. In his Ph.D. program at West Virginia University, he mainly focused on designing resilient control of microgrids against cyber disruption and renewable energy intermittency, designing artificial intelligence techniques, and stochastic modeling of power systems. He serves as a reviewer for high-impact ISI journals such as IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, Journal of Applied Energy, International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Journal of Neural Computing and Applications, Journal Sustainable Cities and Society, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, and International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.Publications List:
M. R. Khalghani, S. K. Solanki, J. Solanki, and A. Sargolzaei, Resilient and stochastic load frequency control of microgrids,” in 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2019, pp. 1-5. M. R. Khalghani, S. Khushalani-Solanki, J. Solanki, and A. Sargolzaei, Stochastic load frequency control of microgrids including wind source based on identification method,” in Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEICI&CPS Europe), 2018 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2018, pp. 1-6. M. R. Khalghani, M. H. Khooban, E. Mahboubi-Moghaddam, N. Vafamand, and M. Goodarzi, \A self-tuning load frequency control strategy for microgrids: Human brain emotional learning,” International Journal of Electrical Power Energy Systems, vol. 75, pp. 311-319, 2016. H. Heydari-Doostabad, M. R. Khalghani, M. H. Khooban, “A Novel Control System Design to Improve LVRT Capability of Fixed Speed Wind Turbines using STATCOM in Presence of Voltage Fault,” International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 77, pp. 280-286, 2016. M. R. Khalghani, and M.H. Khooban, “A Novel Self-Tuning Control Method Based on Regulated Bi-objective Emotional Learning Controller’s Structure with TLBO Algorithm to Control DVR Compensator,” Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 24, pp. 912–922, November 2014. M. R. Khalghani, and M.H. Khooban, “A Novel Self-Tuning Control Method Based on Regulated Bi-objective Emotional Learning Controller’s Structure with TLBO Algorithm to Control DVR Compensator,” Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 24, pp. 912–922, November 2014. M.R. Khalghani, M.A. Shamsi-nejad and M. H. Khooban,“DVR Control Using Bi-objective Optimization to Improve Power Quality’s Indices,” IET Science, Measurement & Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 203–213, July 2014.