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Stephen Wood

Stephen Wood

Ocean Engineering Program Chair, Assistant Profess, Marine and Environmental Systems, Florida Institute of Technology

Phone: (321) 674-7244

Florida Institute of Technology
150 West University Boulevard
Melbourne, FL 32901-6975



Ph.D, Oregon State University, 1995; MS, University of Miami, Florida, 1987; BS, University of Rhode Island, 1983; Professional Engineer

Research Interests:

Research Interests

Dr. Wood’s research interests include Ocean Energy Systems and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) technology, specifically the areas of navigation, path planning and control, using neural networks, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence and expert systems. His research includes: • Ocean Energy System Development using surface and subsurface forces due all types of waves, and from ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream. • AUV development of various configurations for the collection of environmental and oceanographic data; acoustic and visual imaging, neural network and fuzzy logic navigation • Development of an “intelligent” refueling and information exchange station and the development of a moored power station • Satellite communication between different types of systems and instruments and Florida Tech Other research areas include oceanographic mooring design, and intelligent system development for ocean engineering.

Current Research

• Bluefin AUV configuration and deployment in coastal areas of Florida • Collaboration with SebaiCMET Inc. and Clean Green Enterprises Inc. to develop relaible, renewable ocean energy technologies to power Brevard County and other coastal communities throughout the world.