



Funding Source

Project Title

Barger, Marilyn FLATE NSF Florida’s Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence
Block, David UCF/FSEC US DOE Phase 2 of the Southern Region Resource and Training Program as Part of the Southern Alternative Energy Training Network
Buschbacher, R J UF MOORE, GORDON & BETTY FOU Amazon Conservation Leadership Initiative

Chung, Jacob

Hahn, D W

UF UF FOU Hines/Progress Energy Eminent Scholar Chair
Dhere, Neelkanth UCF/FSEC Instituto Militar de Engenharia Science Without Borders Program
Lawson, J R UF PROGRESS ENERGY FL Sunsense Schools Post Secondary Program for 100 Kw Solar Array
Schleith, Susan UCF/FSEC Progress Energy SunSmart Schools E-Shelter Plus-UP (Utility Program) AKA SunSense Plus UP
Schleith, Susan UCF/FSEC TECO Energy SunSmart School E-Shelter Plus-UP (Utility Program)
Schleith, Susan UCF/FSEC Florida Power and Light FPL SunSmart Schools DAS program