



Funding Source

Project Title

Click, David UCF/FSEC Florida State University SUNGRIN Simulation-Assisted Understanding of the High-Penetration PV Effects and Requirements
Fortes, J A UF NSF Futuregrid: An Experimental High Performance Grid Test-Bed
Guan, Y UF US DOE Multi-Stage Stochastic Integer Programming for Power Grid Systems
Guan, Y UF US DOE Models and Methods for Power System Under Uncertainty
Khargonekar, P P UF NSF CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Coordinated Resource Management of Cyber-Physical-Social Power Systems
Khargonekar, P P UF NSF Collaborative Research: Integrating Random Energy into the Smart Grid
Meeker, Richard FSU DOE The Sunshine State Solar Grid initiative
Miao, Zhixin USF Progress Energy Florida, Inc. Smart Grid Functionality of PV Battery Systems