



Funding Source

Project Title

Acosta, D E UF US DOE US CMS Trigger Upgrade at Fermilab
Acosta, D E UF US DOE US Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) M&O Trigger Subsystem
Avery, P R UF US DOE High Energy Experimental and theoretical Research
Avery, P R UF US DOE Task Q: Research in High Energy Phsyics (Experimental and therotical) Together with Quarknet Educational Outreach
Barlett, R J UF US DOE Super Instruction Architecture for Scalable Parallel Computations
Chen, Y UF US DOE Prediction of Thermal Transport Properties of Materials with Microstructural Complexity
Cheng, H P UF US DOE A Computational Approach to Complex Junctions and interfaces
Cheng, H P UF NSF Understanding and Reducing Thermal Noise via atomistic Simulations
Edrington, Chris FSU RCT Systems Intermediate Transient Support of High Rate Pulsed Loads
Field, R D UF US DOE Task T2: Research in High Energy Phsyics (Experimental and therotical) Together with Quarknet Educational Outreach
Gu, Lixing UCF/FSEC US DOE Continuity and innovation in the Development and Support of Energy Plus
Gu, Lixing UCF/FSEC Florida Solar Energy Center Increase DX Cooling Coil Efficiency by Reducing Coil Surface Tension
Hirschfeld, P J UF US DOE Theory of Novel Superconductors
Jones P. and PURC UF Florida Public Service Commission Independent Program Review of FEECA
Jones, J L UF ADVANCED GREEN Innovations Advanced Dielectrics for Energy Applications
Jones, J L UF US DOE Development of Stroboscopic Techniques and Application to Phase Switching in Ferroelectrics
Jordan, K A UF US DOE Bil3 Crystals for High Energy Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
Kettles, Colleen UCF/FSEC Leonardo Technologies, inc. Space Coast Clean Cities Coalition Support 2012
Magdum, Ujjwala UCF/FSEC Solar Rating & Certification Corporation SRCC Portal Development
Martin, C R UF US DOE Nanophase Extractor Development
Mitselmakher, G UF US DOE Task P: Research in High Energy Physics (Experimental and theoretical) Together with Quarknet Educational Outreach
Mitselmakher, G UF US DOE US CMS EMU at Fermilab
Qu, Zhihua UCF/FSEC UCF/I-4 (16408104) Autonomous and Cooperative Control of Unmanned Air Systems
Ramond, P UF US DOE Task T1: Research in High Energy Phsyics (Experimental and therotical) Together with Quarknet Educational Outreach
Ranka, S UF NSF CSR: Medium: Collaborative Research: Gridpac: A Resource Management System for Energy and Performance Optimization ..
Raustad, Richard UCF/FSEC Associated Gas Distributors of Florida Measuring Commercial Fryer Electric and Gas Usage for the Associated Gas Distributors of Florida
Ray, H UF US DOE Task P3: Research in High Energy Phsyics (Experimental and therotical) Together with Quarknet Educational Outreach
Richard, J P UF CSX TRANS. Optimization-Based Decision Support System for Coal/Bulk Monthly Reservations Planning
Sankar, B V UF NASA Structurally Integrated Thermal Protection Systems for Space Vehicles
Sansalone, J J UF City of Gainesville Demonstration of Hydrologic Thermal and Physical-Chemical Modification by an infrastructure-Contrained “Biodetention”
SCHUUR, T UF US DOE Effects of Warming the Deep Soil and Permafrost On Ecosystem Carbon Balance in Alaskan Tundra: A Coupled Measurement and
SCHUUR, T UF US DOE From Community Structure to Functions: Metagenomics-Enabled Predictive Understanding of Temperature Sensitivity of Soi
Shen, Zheng UCF/FSEC NIST Development and Electro-Thermal-Mechanical Characterization of High Temperature Packaging for Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductors
Shen, Zheng UCF/FSEC UCF/I-4 I4: NASA SBIR Phase II: High-Temperature, Wirebondless, Ultra-Compact Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Modules for Space Power Systems
Singh, R K UF US DOE Defect Free, Ultra-Rapid Thinning/Polishing of Diamond Crystal Radiator Targets (20 Micro-M) for Highly Linearly Polariz
So, Franky UF SESTAR TECH. Luminescence in Conjugated Molecular Materials Under Sub-Bandgap Excitations
Subhash, G UF US DOE Fe Pnictide and F-Electron Novel Materials: Magnetism, Superconductivity and Quantum Criticality
Tanner, D B UF US DOE Task N: Research in High Energy Phsyics (Experimental and therotical) Together with Quarknet Educational Outreach
Tanner, D B UF US DOE Time-Resolved Far-infrared Experiments: Implications for Nanotechnology
Thoron, A C UF US DOE Task N: Research in High Energy Phsyics (Experimental and therotical) Together with Quarknet Educational Outreach
Yang, Y; Yost, R A UF US DOE Microstructural Analysis of Stainless Steels and Nickel Alloys for LWR Applications