



Funding Source

Project Title

Brooker, R. Paul UCF/FSEC Florida Solar Energy Center Vanadium and Bromine Redox Flow Batteries
Chung, Jacob UF NASA Cryogenic Storage and Transfer Line Thermal and Fluid Physics in Low to Zero Gravity
Goswami, Yogi USF E-ON international Innovative Latent Thermal Energy Storage System for Concentrating Solar Power Plants
Goswami, Yogi USF US DOE Development of a Low Cost Thermal Energy Storage System Using Phase Change Materials with Enhanced Radiation Heat Transfer (Adv. Research Proj. Agcy-Energy)
Martin, C R UF US DOE Science of Precision Multifunctional Nanostructures For Electrical Energy Storage
Orazem, M E UF US DOE Impedance Investigation of Lithium Batteries
Peir, J UF INTEL CORP Memory Hierarchy Studies on Many-Core CMPS with Large on- Die Storage
Powers, K W UF G4 SYNERGETICS CORP. Powder Characterization and Beneficiation For Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Manufacturing
Raissi, Ali UCF/FSEC Cella Energy Limited Nanostructured Polymer Scaffolds as H2 Storage Materials
Stefanakos, Elias USF US DOE Development and Demonstration of an innovative Thermal Energy Storage System for Baseload Power Generation
Stefanakos, Elias USF UCF Design and Development of an Advanced Hydrogen Storage System using Novel materials
Ziegler, K J UF NSF Ultra-High Surface Area Architectures for Thermal Energy Storage