Harnessing Florida’s Solar Resources Research Projects: |
Solar and PV Test Facilities |
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Title:Solar Systems Testing Facility |
PI: James Roland, David Block Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Description: Over the past five years, the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) has received a significant increase in demand for solar thermal and PV testing and certification. This occurrence has resulted in requiring the Center to correspondingly amplify its capabilities to respond to the increased demand. Thus, the objective of this task was to construct a solar thermal and PV systems testing facility. This facility was built by adding walls, windows, doors and air conditioning to an existing roof only facility at the FSEC site. This new facility provides laboratory space for testing of solar water heating components and systems and PV modules and inverters. At this time, the facility is completed and this is the final report for the project. | |
Budget: $600,609 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
This project has been completed | |
November 2011 Annual Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
Solar Thermal |
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Title: Development of Novel Water Splitting Catalysts for the Production of Renewable Hydrogen |
PI: Helena Hagelin-Weaver Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Description: This project focuses on the development of iron-based catalysts for the thermochemical splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen. The thermochemical process of splitting water is particularly well-suited for the utilization of solar energy to provide the heat for the reaction and is a way to produce a renewable hydrogen fuel. As hydrogen is difficult to transport and store, producing hydrogen on site for power plants using proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells or internal combustion engines to generate electricity or for the production of chemicals, such as liquid hydrocarbon fuels, is a very attractive approach. The project uses a two-step process in which water is passed over a reduced iron oxide to generate hydrogen while the oxygen is taken up by the oxygen-deficient iron oxide (Step 1: FeOx-1 + H2O -> FeOx + H2). In the second step the resulting iron oxide is heated to desorb oxygen and regenerate the oxygen-deficient iron oxide to close the catalytic cycle (Step 2: FeOx -> FeOx-1 + ½O2). The main objectives of the project are to develop mixed metal oxide catalysts that 1) will release oxygen at temperatures lower than 1500°C (Step 2), while still maintaining water-splitting activity (Step 1) and 2) are stable up to the temperature necessary for the oxygen desorption step. | |
Budget: $100,000 | |
Universities: UF | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2013 Annual Report May 2013 Progress Report November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report |
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Title:Solar Fuels for Thermochemical Cycles at Low Pressures |
PI: David Hahn (used to be JÃrg Petrasch) | |
Description: The project focuses on the production of solar fuels from solar thermochemical cycles employing metal/metal oxide redox pairs. These thermochemical cycles consist of a high temperature endothermic solar driven reduction step and a low temperature, slightly exothermic water or CO2 splitting step. The high temperature step typically proceeds at temperatures above 2000 K. Hence, it poses a range of material and design challenges. According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the temperature for the solar dissociation reaction decreases as the pressure inside the reactor is reduced. The central hypothesis of the project is that operating the high temperature step of metal/metal oxide solar thermochemical cycles at reduced pressures will lead to significantly relaxed temperature requirements, while the work necessary to produce the pressure difference will not significantly reduce the overall efficiency of the process.The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of carrying out high temperature thermal reduction of metal oxides in rarefied conditions using high intensity solar radiation from UF’s solar simulator. | |
Budget: $100,000 | |
Universities: UF | |
External Collaborators: Wojciech Lipinski, University of Minnesota | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress ReportNovember 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title: Concentrating Solar Power ProgramPI: Charles Cromer Research Interests and Contact Information R. ReedyDescription: The objective of this effort is to produce a detailed map of Florida that shows the monthly solar direct beam and global resource available for the past eleven years. This solar resource map will give potential users or designers of solar systems, the solar input values for their location latitude and longitude and they will receive a table of solar energy monthly averages for that specific site as derived from the past eleven years of data. The concept employed to determine these solar values is to use NOAA satellite photos and utilize the brightness of the cloud cover as a clearness factor predictor of the solar resource that gets through to the ground below. |
Budget: $50,000 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
This project has been completed | |
November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title: Enhanced and Expanded Solar Thermal Test Capabilities |
PI: J. Del Mar (used to be J. Walters) | |
Co-PI: R. Reedy | |
Description: FSEC believes that independent, third-party testing and certification has extensive value in the marketplace, especially for products that are not widely “proven” with consumers such as solar water heating systems and solar electrical (photovoltaic) systems. In addition, due to the resurgence of the solar industry, FSEC has received a significant increase in demand for solar collector and solar system testing and certification. This occurrence has resulted in requiring the Center to correspondingly amplify its capabilities to respond to the increased demand This project has the objective of increasing FSEC’s solar thermal testing and certification activities by the following actions: test and analysis equipment and software upgrades and expansion, integration of the solar collector and system laboratories, enhancing documentation and reporting methods and streamlining and devising more comprehensive client test and certification application documents. Additional test facilities have come on-line internationally in the last two years and the increased testing capacity resulting from the additional tests labs has reduced the industry demand for FSEC’s thermal test services. FSEC however, remains the only test facility in the U.S. capable of testing certain types of solar thermal energy equipment and the current testing demand at FSEC still significantly exceeds the demand prior to 2008. | |
Budget: $809,295 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
External Collaborators: US Department of Energy, SRCC | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Solar Thermal Power for Bulk Power and Distributed Generation |
PI: David Hahn Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: James Klausner, Renwei Mei, Helena Weaver | |
Description: While there are many different approaches to hydrogen generation, the most attractive means is to split water molecules using solar energy. The current approach is to develop highly reactive metal oxide materials to produce intermediary reactions that result in the splitting of water to produce hydrogen at moderate temperatures. | |
Budget: $446,000 | |
Universities: UF | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Design, Construction and Operation of CSP Solar Thermal Power Plants in Florida |
PI : Yogi Goswami Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: E. Stefanakos, M. Rahman, S. Aydin, R. Reddy | |
Description: Florida utilities are mandated to achieve 20% renewable energy contribution to their generation mix by 2020. While technologically feasible with solar energy, the capital costs are high presently, capital costs range from $6,000-$7,000/kW for PV and $3,500-$4,000/kW for concentrating solar thermal power. This project targets the development of solar thermal power technology for bulk power and distributed generation, which will diversify energy resources in Florida and reduce greenhouse emissions by utilizing renewable sources. Also, there will be economic impacts with the establishment of new power industry in Florida, which will help the electrical utilities of the state to meet the renewable portfolio standards. The project has three main tasks; the first one is to develop design methodologies and standards for the proven solar thermal power technologies in combination with bio or fossil fuels based on Florida conditions and resources. Secondly, the project aims to set up demonstration and test facilities for these technologies for optimization for Florida conditions, and the final task is to develop and commercialize innovative technologies based on new thermodynamic cycles. | |
Budget: $882,000 | |
Universities: USF, UF, FSEC | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2014 Annual Report May 2014 Progress Report November 2013 Annual Report May 2013 Progress Report November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Multi-Generation Capable Solar Thermal Technologies |
PI: Anjaneyulu Krothapalli Research Interests and Contact Information |
Description: This project is aimed at developing an energy system that is designed to meet the demands of rural populations that currently have no access to grid-connected electricity. Besides electricity, it is well recognized that rural populations need at least a centralized refrigeration system for storage of medicines and other emergency supplies, as well as safe drinking water. Here we propose a district system that will employ a multi-generation concentrated solar power (CSP) system that will generate electricity and supply the heat needed for both absorption refrigeration and membrane distillation (MD) water purification. The electricity will be used to generate hydrogen through highly efficient water electrolysis and individual households can use the hydrogen for generating electricity, via affordable proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, and as a fuel for cooking. The multi-generation system is being developed such that its components will be easy to manufacture and maintain. As a result, these components will be less efficient than their typical counterparts but they will allow for us to meet our installation cost goal of $1/Watt for the entire system. Thus resulting in low cost to efficiency ratio. The objective of this program is to develop the system concept and the system components. |
Budget: $347,113 |
Universities: FSU |
This project has been completed |
November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Clean Drinking Water |
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Title: Low Cost Solar Driven Desalination |
PI: James Klausner Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Description: Water and energy scarcity poses a future threat to human activity and societal development around the world. The state of Florida is vulnerable to fresh water shortages. Florida ground water is contaminated in many locations from leaky underground tanks, agricultural pesticides, and other chemicals. Although it is possible to desalinate sea water, conventional systems are energy intensive. Solar energy utilization for desalination systems is being investigated to provide adequate fresh water for the state’s needs. Solar diffusion driven desalination (DDD) system has been developed for both bulk water desalination and small community needs/disaster response. The research objective is to examine the best operating condition for the solar diffusion driven desalination (DDD) process using a computer models developed for the transient evaporation and condensation processes. The outcome of the study is the development of cost effective, low power consumption, and low maintenance desalination process that is powered by solar energy. Several operating modes for the solar DDD process have been investigated, and the best operating mode is used to design a small scale distillation unit. In addition, one of the main operational difficulties encountered in thermal distillation processes is the cooling requirement. Cooling is needed to reduce the condensing water temperature in the condenser to increase water production. In this study, the external cooling requirement has been tackled with a unique operating mode. | |
Budget: $252,000 | |
Universities: UF | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Clean Drinking Water using Advanced Solar Energy Technologies |
PI: Lee Stefanakos Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: Yogi Goswami, Matthias Batzill, Maya Trotz, Sesha Srinivasan | |
Description: The availability of fresh water is a big problem facing Florida. In many locations, Florida’s water is contaminated from leaky underground tanks and agricultural pesticides. Although salt water desalination is possible, conventional systems are too energy intensive. Solar energy can supply the power, and innovative vacuum and humidification/dehumidification desalination systems can provide adequate fresh water for the state’s needs. Another goal is to develop photocatalytic disinfection to remove contaminants and integrate these technologies with solar PV for complete water supply systems. Projects include: Natural Vacuum Solar Flash Desalination: Creating vacuum conditions above liquids increase their evaporation rates. This phenomenon can be integrated into a practical continuous desalination process by repeatedly flashing sea water in vacuumed chambers to produce water vapor that will be condensed producing fresh water. Solar PV Assisted Photocatalysis for Air/Water Disinfection: Improving titanium dioxide photocatalysts for purification and disinfection of water and air contaminated with organic, heavy metal and microbiological species, using solar energy. This can be integrated into a practical continuous desalination process by flashing sea water in vacuum chambers to produce water vapor that will be condensed, producing fresh water. | |
Budget: $326,756 | |
Universities: USF | |
This project has been completed. | |
May 2013 Progress Report November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
Low Cost PV Manufacturing |
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Title:Enhanced and Expanded PV Systems Testing Capabilities at FSEC |
PI: S. Barkaszi Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PI: R. Reedy | |
Description: An important FSEC function is consumer protection from poorly designed and manufactured PV modules and systems. FSEC’s test capabilities were established over 10 years ago and were adequate at the time to test PV modules for certification. However, PV costs have fallen and competing electric utility rates have risen. In the last two years, these curves have crossed under some economic scenarios and incentive programs, and the demand for PV module testing and system certification has jumped. Thus, this task will provide for enhanced and expanded PV testing and certification capabilities. The task will also be done in close coordination with FSEC’s work with the U.S. Department of Energy’s PV program. | |
Budget: $132,398.00 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
External Collaborators: Sandia National Labs and US Department of Energy | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Development of High Throughput CIGS Manufacturing Process |
PI: N. Dhere Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Description: A reduction in the price of CIGS and other thin PV film modules is required for broad PV applications. Economic analyses of PV technologies indicate that PV cell and module price reductions can be gained by reducing the cost of manufacturing, increasing the process throughout and improving the module efficiency. The goal of this project is to attract a PV manufacturing company to Florida by developing a high-rate manufacturing process for CuInxGa1-xSe (CIGS) solar cells. The objective is to develop a high-rate deposition process for synthesis of CIGS absorbers by employing magnetron sputtering processes. | |
Budget: $141,620 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title: Florida Opportunities for PV Manufacturing Data Base and Applications |
PI: D. Block Research Interests and Contact Information, R. Reedy, J Fenton, P. Fairey, W. Schoenfelds | |
Description: The goal of this project is to establish a photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing and applications data base and to stimulate the development of a PV manufacturing industry and related applications in Florida. This project is now in its third year and consequences from both the national and the state perspective show the dominance of the Chinese industry. However, a strong market can eventually lead to manufacturing and, thus, the Florida opportunity. The key to Florida’s PV goals are to have both a magnet and a demand. Florida is positioned to be a magnet because of its winning the DOE funded PV Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC) program and high demand is proposed through the application of PV power for electric vehicles. Details follow. | |
Budget: $81,120 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Development of Low Cost CIGS Thin Film Hot Carrier Solar Cells |
PI: Gjs Bosman Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: Tim Anderson | |
Description: PV has entered into a period of record growth. Most of the current production is based on crystalline Si technology. However, there are fundamental limits to the ultimate Si costs that may inhibit it from achieving the desired level of contribution to worldwide energy production. In contrast, thin-film PV technology can reach the desired outcome due to fast deposition rates and lower cost. Our study is focused on hot carrier solar cells for cell conversion efficiency improvement in a low cost, high throughput CIGS system. The rapid thermalizaton loss of hot photoexcited carriers interacting with the lattice can potentially be reduced through phonon engineering in the absorber layer; the subsequent extraction of the hot carriers may be realized through device engineering of energy selective contacts. | |
Budget: $ 126,112.00 | |
Universities: UF | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing Facility to Enable a Significant Manufacturing Enterprise within the State and Provide Clean Renewable Energy |
PI: Don Morel Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: Chris Ferekides, Lee Stefanakos | |
Description: The primary goal of this project is to enable the establishment and success of local solar photovoltaic manufacturing companies to produce clean energy products for use within the state and beyond and to generate jobs and the skilled workforce needed for them. Thin film technologies have shown record efficiencies of 20%, and present tremendous opportunities for new Florida start-up companies. USF, UCF, and UF are collaborating to develop a pilot line facility for thin film solar technologies, which will serve as a test bed for making ongoing improvements in productivity and performance of solar modules, develop advanced manufacturing protocols, and help train a skilled workforce to ensure the success of new companies. | |
Budget: $1.6M | |
Universities: USF, UCF, UF | |
External Collaborators: Mustang Solar, a Division of Mustang Vacuum Systems | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2013 Annual Report May 2013 Progress Report November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual ReportMay 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
Advanced PV Device Program |
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Title: Research to Improve Photovoltaic (PV) Cell Efficiency by Hybrid Combination of PV and Thermoelectric Cell Elements. |
PI: Nicoleta Sorloaica-Hickman Research Interests and Contact Information R. Reedy | |
Description: Photovoltaic/thermoelectric (PV/TE) cell integration is a promising technology to improved performance and increase the cell life of PV cells. The TE element can be used to cool and heat the PV element, which increases the PV efficiency for applications in real-world conditions. Conversely, the TE materials can be optimized to convert heat dissipated by the PV element into useful electric energy, particularly in locations where the PV cell experiences large temperature gradients, i.e. use the thermoelectric module for cooling, heating and energy generation depending on the ambient weather conditions. Thus, the goal of this research effort is to research and develop nanoscale design of efficient thermoelectric material through a fundamental understanding of the materials properties and to design and build a photovoltaic thermoelectric (PV/TE) hybrid system. | |
Budget: $167,820 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:PV Devices Research and Development Laboratory |
PI: R. Reedy Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: N. Hickman, N. Dhere | |
Description: The goal from this project is to develop and equip a PV devices R & D laboratory which would then be open to industry, research institutions and academic partners for the purposes of planning, designing, deploying and operating PV systems. The new PV Devices Research and Development Laboratory is a comprehensive suite of scientific tools for the fabrication and characterization of materials and PV devices. The laboratory is located in a new PV laboratory room at FSEC and is designed specifically to reduce time delays associated with transferring technology from the academic research laboratory to industry. Furthermore, the PV laboratory will also facilitate undergraduate and graduate internship programs to train chemists, physicists and engineers in photovoltaic processing, characterization and testing. | |
Budget: $450,250 | |
Universities: UCF/FSEC | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Beyond Photovoltaics: Nanoscale Rectenna for Conversion of Solar and Thermal Energy to Electricity |
PI: Shekhar Bhansali Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: Lee Stefanakos, Yogi Goswami, Subramanian Krishnan | |
Description: The main objective of the proposal is to commercialize and scale up a new technology, rectenna to convert waste heat energy to electricity. Although the prediction of highly efficient (~85%) solar rectennas was published almost 30 years ago, serious technological challenges have prevented such devices from becoming a reality. Since the ultimate goal of a direct optical frequency rectenna photovoltaic power converter is still likely a decade away, we plan to convert optical solar radiation to thermal radiation (~30 THz regime) using an innovative blackbody source. Leveraging the research efforts of the world-class team members, we plan to further develop the rectenna technology that is within reach of efficient radiation conversion at 30 THz. A fully integrated, blackbody converter and 30 THz rectenna system will be capable of converting at least 50% of solar and thermal energy into usable electrical power, clearly demonstrating a truly transformational new technology in the renewable energy technology sector. | |
Budget: $$598,500 | |
Universities: USF | |
External Collaborators: Bhabha Atomic Research Center, India, Florida International University, Miami | |
This project has been completed. | |
May 2013 Progress Report November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
PV Integration |
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Title:PV Energy Conversion and System Integration |
PI: I. Batarseh Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: J. Shen, Z. Qu, X. Wu, W. Mikhael, L. Chow | |
Description: The objective is to develop a system-driven Plug’N’Gen solar power architecture of decentralized, low-cost, mass-produced, PV panel-mounted micro-inverters to compete with today’s centralized multi-kW PV inverters that require cost prohibitive professional installation. The tasks include: 1) novel inverter topology and control concepts; 2) advanced digital control algorithms; 3) SmartTie interface with the utility grid; and 4) low cost and ultra-compact PV inverter in package. | |
Budget: $1,267,000 | |
Universities: UCF | |
External Collaborators: U. S. Department of Energy awarded the UCF PIs a two year $1,400,000 project (DE-EE003176) called “Photovoltaic Power Electronics Initiative (PERI)” | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Non-Contact Energy Delivery for PV System and Wireless Charging Applications |
PI: Jenshan Lin Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Description: Innovative non-contact energy delivery method will be used in photovoltaic energy generation system to accelerate the system deployment. Instead of delivering electric power using cables penetrating through building structures, magnetic field coupling allows power to be transferred wirelessly through building walls and roofs. In the meantime, the DC electric energy from photovoltaic cells is converted to AC energy. This enables the photovoltaic system to be quickly set up or relocated, and the collected solar energy from outdoor system can be conveniently delivered to indoor appliances. Techniques to achieve high efficiency at high power delivery through different building structures will be studied for this plug-and-play architecture.In addition, the technique and the system can also be used for non-contact charging of electric vehicles. The transmitter/charger can be placed as a mat on garage floor or parking space. The receiver inside vehicle will pick up the energy delivery through magnetic coupling. This eliminates the need of connecting charging wires to vehicles and exposed metal contacts, which is a safer method of charging electric vehicles. | |
Budget: $252,000 | |
Universities: UF | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:An Integrated Sustainable Transportation System |
PI: David Norton Research Interests and Contact Information, Keith Duncan | |
Co PI: Shirley Meng | |
Description: The proposed vehicle, operating on biofuel while in transit and charged by the sun while parked, is the ultimate sustainable transportation system operating completely on renewable American energy resources. Moreover, the use of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) rather than an IC engine in this hybrid vehicle results in a dramatic improvement in efficiency and reduction in emissions. SOFCs are the most efficient technology for converting energy from hydrocarbon fuels to electricity on a “well to wheels” basis. In contrast, the more conventional fuel cells require hydrocarbon fuels to first be converted to H2, with resultant efficiency losses, followed by losses due to H2 transport and storage. Therefore, on a system-basis SOFCs hold the potential for producing the least CO2/kWh from conventional fuels, and if designed to operate on biofuel would in effect be carbon neutral and operating on a renewable resource. If developed this vehicle would be a transformational change in transportation technology. | |
Budget: $594,000 | |
Universities: UF | |
External Collaborators: Solid-State Energy Technology, Inc., Lynntech, Inc., Planar Energy Devices, Inc., CFX Battery, Inc. | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:PV Power Generation Using Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles as Energy Storage |
PI: J. Shen Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co-PIs: I. Batarseh. | |
Description: The objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate an alternative PV power generation architecture that uses plug-in hybrid vehicle as the energy storage and transfer element with a total system cost target of $3.50/W. The tasks include developing efficient, reliable, and inexpensive maximum power tracking DC/DC battery chargers and 3-phase converters. A 10kW demonstration solar carport charging station was built on UCF campus. A plug-in hybrid vehicle with a 25kWh battery bank (battery-only driving range of 50-100 miles) and onboard bidirectional AC charging system will be demonstrated | |
Budget: $380,816 | |
Universities: UCF | |
External Collaborators: City of Tavares, FL | |
This project has been completed. | |
May 2012 Progress Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
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Title:Integrated PV/Storage and PV/Storage/Lighting Systems |
PI: Franky So Research Interests and Contact Information | |
Co PIs: Jiangeng Xue, Shirley Meng | |
Description: The goal is to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of solar power through the integration of PV, Li-battery, and LED lighting technologies. Since all components are in the form of thin films, the PV/battery/LED system can be integrated as a single module. Since half of the materials cost of each device is the substrate, integrated module will also reduce materials costs and processing steps. Importantly, their integration further eliminates the need for inverters since they are all low-voltage devices. Such an integrated device can be used to store energy during the day and power the LED panel for lighting in the evening. In addition, we will explore the possibility of fabricating a semi-transparent module. The success of this Task will lead to a novel solar-power lighting panel that can be used as a sky light during the day and a lighting panel during the night without using grid-power. We not only will develop the technologies, but also integrate devices and perform technology-economic evaluation, including life-cycle costs. | |
Budget: $576,000 | |
Universities: UF | |
External Collaborators: University of California San Diego, Oak Ridge National Lab | |
This project has been completed. | |
November 2012 Annual Report November 2011 Annual Report May 2010 Progress Report November 2010 Annual Report May 2011 Progress Report |
Smart Windows |
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Title: Development of a Smart Window for Green Buildings in Florida |
PI: Dr. Sarath Witanachchi |
Students: Mr. Mark Merlak, Ph.D. student |
University: USF |
This project has been completed. | |
May 2013 Progress Report November 2012 Annual Report |
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