FL University Research
The Florida Energy Systems Consortium (FESC) was created by the Florida State government to promote collaboration among the energy experts at its 12 supported universities to share energy-related expertise. The development of environmentally friendly, renewable, and cost-effective energy options are very important to our State’s future.
The Consortium has very strong and diverse energy expertise. More than 400 faculty members are currently engaged in energy related research. The energy expertise within the consortium includes energy efficiency, biomass, solar, marine, grid, storage, carbon capture, nuclear, policy/economics, and energy education/outreach. The consortium’s research projects are listed under each “submenu” given on the left side of this page. Overarching to the Consortium’s research strategy is an energy systems approach to identify innovation opportunities, prepare an energy workforce, and guide economic development. The consortium universities collectively have over 60 energy related centers, laboratories, and user facilities.
In addition, the consortium has a strong industry outreach and technology commercialization program. FESC’s industrial program promotes collaboration between the partner universities and industrial partners from small, medium, and large companies, as well as other organizations such as incubators, research parks, investors, entrepreneurs, and government laboratories.
FESC has an Industrial Partnership and Innovation Strategy that assures active collaboration with the private sector and other partners that support and guide FESC’s vision, collaborate with FESC in our research, education, innovation, and outreach programs.
Please contact Janan Balaban at cbalaban@ufl.edu if you need further information